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Europäische & Internationale Projekte


The OpenScienceResources (OSR) project aimed to make the digital learning content of European science museums and science centres better accessible and exploitable through innovative combinations of state-of-the-art educational metadata methods and social tagging approaches, thus offering enhanced science learning experiences in the intersection of formal and informal learning. During the lifetime of the project over 1500 educational items were added to the OSR repository and more 150 educational activities where build by teachers around the digital content of the 7 science museums that were part of the project. In 2011, the OSR project received the Silver Award of the “Learning Impact Awards” and the OPAL award for learning contexts from the “Open Educational Quality Initiative”.
1/6/2009 - 31/5/2012
COSMOS is an e-Contentplus Targeted Project, with a duration of 24 months, aiming to create a virtual experimental laboratory for students and teachers and to improve science instruction at schools and universities. The COSMOS project will integrate two major existing repositories, the D-Space portal and the Educational Repository of the Schools Observatory Project, offering a set of tools for content and metadata management (the COSMOS tool-box). The COSMOS portal will be extensively validated in schools and universities of 7 European countries and the conclusions will be documented in a “Roadmap for the implementation of a Pan-European Educational Service”.
1/10/2007 - 30/9/2009
Organic.Edunet is an e-Contentplus Targeted Project, with a duration of 36 months, aiming to facilitate access, usage and exploitation of digital educational content related to Organic Agriculture and Agroecology. It will deploy a pan-European portal with access to several high quality repositories, create a domain-specific ontology to facilitate search and retrieval of information and extensively validate the ensuing service leveraging the user groups represented within the consortium. The outcome of the project will be a recommendation for a European Quality Certification in Organic Agriculture and Agroecology digital content.
1/10/2007 - 30/9/2010


Ellinogermaniki Agogi
Abteilung Forschung & Entwicklung
Europäische & Internationale Projekte
Nationale Projekte
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