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Europäische & Internationale Projekte


European Antibullying Network (EAN)
Bullying is not a recent phenomenon, but one that has existed for generations in a variety of forms. Various and important projects on bullying have been implemented at an EU level. However, most of them tend to focus only on one aspect of the problem and therefore do not result in a common response towards addressing the problem in its various forms. EAN project aims at filling in this gap and providing a unified European approach through the cooperation of 17 partners from 12 EU Member States with extensive experience in the field. Funded under the Daphne Programme III of the European Commission, EAN¶s goal is the creation of a toolkit of successful interventions and a common European policy against bullying. This endeavor will be achieved through building capacity of partners, the public awareness-raising on the problem and the participation of children. At the final stage of the project the establishment of a European Anti-bullying Network will bring together the various efforts in this field and transform them into a unified single voice in European level.
1/12/2012 - 31/5/2014
The main objective of ProSAVE is to prevent the phenomena of µsocial violence¶ amongst peers, creating and applying a set of innovative measures based on prosociality. The partnership considers prosociality a powerful tool to promote universal human values such as: socialization, sharing, cooperation, respect, acceptance of diversity as an added value, peace, psychological wellbeing, unity, quality communication, empathy. ProSAVE intends to develop a European cooperation to organize practical paths towards the realization of a new, proactive and strong “educating community”, promoting a greater contact among schools, families and territory to re-launch the social dynamics of this community, to enhance the sharing of a common framework of values, and to raise awareness about the culture of legality, ethics and solidarity.
1/1/2011 - 31/12/2013


Ellinogermaniki Agogi
Abteilung Forschung & Entwicklung
Europäische & Internationale Projekte
Nationale Projekte
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