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Europäische & Internationale Projekte


Inspiring Science Education
Inspiring Science Education project aims at providing digital resources and opportunities for teachers to help them make science education more attractive and relevant to students lives. Through the Inspiring Science Education website and the activities organised by the partners, teachers can help students make their own scientific discoveries, witness and understand natural and scientific phenomena and access the latest, interactive tools and digital resources from within their classrooms. Pilot activities will take place in 5000 primary and secondary schools in 14 European countries. During these pilots, teachers will be accessing interactive simulations, educational games and eScience applications and integrating them with extra-curricular activities, such as field trips to science centres and discovery parks, and virtual visits to research centres. Teachers will also have the possibility to access remote and online labs, and relevant scenarios for their use in the school classroom. Students will be inspired to use eTools and digital resources to learn Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEMrelated subjects) in a practical, competitive and exciting way.
1/4/2013 - 31/7/2016
Open Discovery Space
Open Discovery Space is a European initiative, spreading in 25 European countries during 2012-2015. The project addresses the challenge of modernizing school education by engaging teachers, students, parents and policymakers in a first of its kind effort to create a pan-European eLearning environment that promotes more flexible and creative ways of learning by improving the way educational content is produced, accessed and used. Open Discovery Space cultivates sharing and collaboration, making the teacher the core node of a creative community. It thus creates a multi-lingual, community-oriented social platform that will encourage teachers, students and parents to discover, discuss, share, shape and acquire Europe¶s rich array of teaching, learning and research materials. The project uses a bottom-up, collaborative method to drive the uptake of digital learning resources and inspire teachers to develop and use innovative, ICT-enabled teaching practices. The Open Discovery Space community has exceeded its goal to engage 2000 Primary and Secondary European schools and is now actively engaging more than 2400 schools, will actively engage 7000 teachers and more than 100000 students.
1/4/2012 - 30/9/2015
Natural Europe
In an era where an impressive abundance of high quality digital content that is available in Natural History Museums (NHMs) around Europe remains largely unexploited due to a number of barriers, harvesting the potential of European digital libraries appears as a very attractive option. Natural Europe, a project co-funded by EC under the ICT-PSP programme, suggests a coordinated solution at European level in order to overcome such barriers, by connecting the digital collections of a number of European NHMs with Europeana, and studying the educational methods and deploy the necessary software tools that will allow museum educators to design innovative online pathways through the digital collections of NHMs. To this end, the federation of the Natural Europe digital libraries aims to facilitate: storage, search and retrieval of digital content that is related to Natural History; as well as search and retrieval of content objects related to educational objectives and curricula on Natural History, Environmental Education, and Biological Sciences.
1/10/2010 - 30/9/2013
Rural Inclusion
Rural Inclusion aims at adopting a state-of-art infrastructure (i.e. modelling approach and software environment) that will facilitate the offering of innovative services by public administration in rural areas. More specifically, the objective is to address a longstanding challenge by public administrations: reducing the administrative burden of enterprises in rural areas, by reducing the information elicitation process of businesses when they want to use a particular instance of some public service, or making more effective use of the resources. To achieve this, Rural Inclusion adopts, adapts, and deploys a Web infrastructure combining semantic services with a collaborative training and networking approach, in the rural setting of five European regions. It focuses on selected case studies of e-Government services that regional public authorities already offer, supports them by a rigorous and reusable service process analysis and modelling, and then deploys a semantic service that facilitates the disambiguation of the small businesses needs and requirements when trying to use the particular services. At the same time, the semantic service is complemented by a number of other Web-based services that support the creation of communities of learning and practice in rural settings, thus facilitating the communication between the rural businesses with the regional public authorities. The project is developed by a consortium of 14 companies and organizations. Ellinogermaniki Agogi is one of the main partners of the project, itΆs role focuses mainly in the development and monitoring of the training methodology for Public Organizations and SMES.
1/7/2009 - 30/6/2011


Ellinogermaniki Agogi
Abteilung Forschung & Entwicklung
Europäische & Internationale Projekte
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