Home | Educational Levels | Primary


The child's first contact with systematic learning is a vital step towards its future mental and psychological development.
Primary school is indeed a compass for every child's educational journey. Bearing this in mind we consider as very important:

The individualization of teaching and the support of the pupil according to his/her character, aptitudes, possible special needs and, above all, with respect to his/her personality.
The application of modern teaching methods.
The main element of the modern teaching approach is the «discovering» model which aims to acquisition of knowledge through experience, observation, questioning, analysis and research.
The enhancement of the syllabus.
The increased demands of life today make the existence of a many-sided and high-standard syllabus more than necessary.

The fluent knowledge of the mother tongue as well as that of the English and German language, is among our top priorities. German is taught 6 hours per week beginning from the 1st grade, while English 1 hour per week in the 1st and 2nd grade and 5 hours per week from the 3rd grade. As far as exact sciences are concerned, the aims are assigned according to the child's age. Familiarization with figures and natural laws is the first step which leads to the development of more complex skills, like the ability to analyze and synthesize. Experimentation, coming in touch with simple but interesting natural phenomena as well as comprehension through research and questioning are the key points of the lesson.

In Ellinogermaniki Agogi learning does not take place only in the classroom but also in the Physics' and Computer science's lab, in the Music and Art room, in the video room and in the library. The school's special editions for the teaching of Greek and foreign languages are of great help to the pupils of all grades in Primary school.
The Student Counselor provides both parents and students significant services, as it aims to improve communication between parents and their children through a series of private and joint


As far as aesthetic education is concerned, this is mainly based on playing, without of course being deprived of the characteristics of a separate taught course. Music, choir, theatre and craftwork arts provide the necessary motivation for inquiry and discovery of new means of communication and self-expression of the children. The students get in touch with various tools and instruments and work in a challenging and at the same time joyful environment. Teachers of such special subjects have the responsibility of making sure that the kids do get involved in a variety of creative tasks.

Athletic activities at all grades of Primary school are intense and they include swimming in the schools' swimming pool and introduction to the basic techniques of various sports in the schools courts or in the schools' gym. In addition there are day-long sports activities on Sundays as well as many inter-school meetings.

Team spirit and solidarity are cultivated within children through various cultural activities. Numerous feasts, Greek and German speaking theatrical performances, the summer market, book exhibitions, visits of children's books' authors, as well as various humanitarian activities contribute to the well-rounded development of our pupils' personalities. Visits to theatres, museums, places of historical and archaeological value and also working areas make the children familiar with History, Art, Culture and Technology. Moreover, the school has a complete environmental programme the target of which is to sensitize the children as far as ecology and environment issues are concerned. With the guidance of teachers, the countryside is converted to a huge laboratory in which the children obtain first hand information about the environmental problems.


The pupils also have the opportunity to remain at school after the morning classes on a daily basis, in order to prepare their homework under the supervision of specialized teachers or to select among the numerous activities which are provided by the school in various fields. Afternoon classes include English and German language courses, sports (Swimming, water-polo, basket-ball, football, tennis, gymnastics, tae-kwon-do, national dances, ballet), Art courses (theatre, choir, photography) and, finally, computer courses.

Ellinogermaniki Agogi
Educational Levels
Kindergarden School
High School
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Registration of New Students
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Schoolbooks for the Ministry
Teachers of Ellinogermaniki Agogi have authored the official schoolbooks for Science in the 5th and 6th Grade of Primary School, and for German in High School.
In school year 2006-2007, state-of-the-art, high-standard new school premises for all levels of education started their operation in Pallini.
Εξετάσεις γερμανικής γλώσσας
Διεξαγωγή εξετάσεων
FIT 1 και FIT 2
του Ινστιτούτου Goethe στην Ελληνογερμανική Αγωγή.